About Jessica

Head Coach and CEO, Jessica aka Sugar Runs

Head Coach and Founder, Jessica aka Sugar Runs

Some people call me Sugar Runs, but most people just call me J. I’m from beautiful, sunny Long Beach, CA where the weather is always perfect for running. I’m a full time running coach and helping others achieve their running goals is my passion! I’ve always been athletic, playing soccer competitively until I was 22. Eventually, I realized life without competition was pretty boring and at 24, I signed up for my first half marathon. Annnnnd I fell in love. Running was for me and about me. I’ve never run to win, but only to beat myself. My best time, my best run, my best mile, my best race. Over the last 15 years I've run countless 5Ks and 10Ks, and over 30 half marathons.

I very quickly became obsessed with the 26.2 distance since running my first marathon in April 2015, and have fallen so much more in love with the sport ever since. I've raced 12 marathons from 2015-2019, going from a 3:48 to a 3:01 and qualifying for Boston several times. As my knowledge grew and I got better, others saw me as a resource to learn from. I knew I needed more knowledge, so I became RRCA certified as a run coach in July of 2016. I’ve continued to seek knowledge along this coaching journey and became NASM Certified in June 2019 and RRCA Level II Certified in August 2019. Most recently, I became pre/postnatal certified through Girls Gone Strong and received my Corrective Exercise Specialist certification through NASM. I love helping others reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

My coaching services coupled with my blog gives me an opportunity to share my experiences with others who are either equally obsessed with running, only kind of like running, or are just starting on their running journey. On my blog, I discuss training schedules, race recaps, food and recipes, healthy habits, supplements, gear, and much more. I hope that no matter what your reason for running, you can find something you enjoy here! Thanks for stopping by!

- J

Girls Gone Strong Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification

Located in Newport Beach, CA

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