Team Sugar Runs Takes on Boston


It’s almost time to hit the streets in Boston and we’ve got an amazing group of athletes who will be out there on Marathon Monday. They’ve all got unique stories on how they got here and what this race means to them, so I’d like to take a minute to share them:



2019 will be my 2nd attempt at Boston and my 2nd year as a charity runner for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I ran my 1st marathon 4 weeks after learning my then 10 yr old nephew had leukemia. 7 marathons later, I haven't stopped running since that November 2014 race. I’m born and raised in Boston so the stakes are high.  Last year the cold, wet, raw weather got the best of me and I tapped out at mile 18. This year looks like the weather gods will bless runners with more of the same, but I am finishing, even if I have to crawl. Boylston or Bust!


Lindsay E

In college running became a great stress reliever and something I really enjoyed. I ran my first marathon when I was a sophomore and I ran it with a time of 4:53. My goal was just to finish it without walking. After completing that first marathon I told myself I wanted to one day qualify for the Boston marathon. I knew it was a lofty goal and something I would really have to work hard for. I continued to run races and over five years I became faster, but also learned how to run smarter. I continued to get closer to the Boston qualifying time but unfortunately was held back by an IT band injury. I continued to fight for the BQ and last spring my legs carried me across the finish line with a time of 3:24! I am so happy I never gave up on my Boston dream. I’m excited to take the streets of Boston with so many other amazing runners!!



I'm looking forward to lining up in Hopkinton for the second time! Boston is the most incredible marathon in the world and I'm feeling calm and confident about the race (no matter what the weather brings). I have three race goals, and depending on how things feel on Monday I'll make adjustments to ensure that I attain at least one of them!
C. Be present for the last 6 miles by looking spectators/volunteers in the eye and saying "thank you".


Coach Katherine

My journey to Boston started 7 years ago when I ran my first marathon. I realized after that first marathon just how much work it was going to take to qualify for Boston and kept chipping away at time. In 2018, I realized I needed to make a change in my training to train smarter if I wanted to BQ and began working with Jessica. I trained smarter and harder than I ever have before and finally ran my BQ at the Berlin Marathon in September 2018. After running Berlin, I set bigger goals for Boston and am thankful to have had a very strong training cycle over the last several months. I’m so excited to toe the line in Boston next week after 7 years of dreaming about this moment and to run my heart out!


Lindsey S

This will be my first Boston Marathon, and I couldn't be more excited!!!! The journey to get here has been so demanding yet rewarding, and I have completely fallen in love with the marathon distance. My first marathon was 3 years ago now… since then I have completed 4 marathons and improved my time from 3:55 to 3:14. This will be my third training cycle working with Jess, and the process (and success!) of working with her actually inspired me to become a certified running coach myself! I have so much love and respect for this sport and the running community, there's truly nothing like it. My husband and I will both be toeing the line at Boston - without a doubt I am the most excited to experience this historic race together.. and have some fun!! Rain or shine, I am so grateful to be here and can't wait to leave it all out there on the course!



The 2019 Boston Marathon will be my 4th Boston. I have never run any other marathon as many times or have ever experienced anything quite like it.   As I reflect on each of the last 3 races, I realized I have only ever run the Boston Marathon as a working mom. I've trained through so many work deadlines, midnight feedings and diaper changes, endless colds, homework, a zillion birthday parties, and t-ball and soccer games on tired legs after Saturday long runs. The list goes on!  I can't imagine how an uninterrupted Boston training cycle would be if there weren't a few road bumps along the way.  It's who I've become as a runner and more importantly as a Boston marathoner.  I want my children to remember and even laugh at the times that I ran out of the door and met them at gymnastics, sweaty and gross because I was training for Boston.  We make things work that we are passionate about.  
Yes, this year’s race represents all of the triumphs and daily sacrifices. But more importantly, it is also my victory lap!!! I worked hard and I earned it!
Goal for this year: 
I want to finish strong, but really, I'd love to run under a 3:10.  I'll give it my best shot rain or shine. 



I have always loved running & running a marathon was always on my bucket list. In 2014 I signed up for my first marathon with the goal to enjoy it and finish strong and fell in love with the distance. I finished in a time of 3:43 so I knew that all I needed to do to get to Boston was shave 8+ minutes...that was harder than I thought, but I continued to enjoy running marathons even if I wasn’t getting to the goal. In 2017, I was determined to go for that BQ, so I started working with Jessica to help me accomplish that goal and I did in LAM2018 thanks to the guidance and training of a coach. Running Boston is a testament of all the hard work I’ve put in to get there and my love for the sport. On Monday, I’m running not just for me, but for all my family and friends that have supported my crazy love for running!



I never wanted to run a marathon. Then i turned 30... and while I had always struggled with my weight, now it was almost impossible to stay fit (stupid metabolism). So I decided I wanted to run a half marathon. It took me almost 4 years to get the confidence to actually race one - and it was sloooooow. I kept racing though, improving my PR each time. Then, 2 years ago, I decided to run a full marathon (Portland 2017). My main goal that race was to "not die." I survived, and registered for Eugene Marathon the next day. I ended up qualifying for Boston by 5+ minutes in that race! At 40, I am in the best shape of my life, and because of Jessica and Sugar Runs kicking my ass (in the best possible way) I feel totally prepared to PR in Boston and cannot wait to experience the race of a lifetime!


Coach Paula

Boston has been a big goal of mine since 2011 when I first ever thought I could possibly qualify for Boston. I was not a runner in high school or college. I met an amazing runner from work when I graduated college and several friends that ran marathons and initially I thought there’s no way I could ever run a marathon. I ran my first marathon in 2006 with absolutely no  time goal. I just wanted to finish feeling good and enjoy it. As I ran more and more and started training properly with a coach, I realized I’m getting stronger and faster! Back then I never ever thought I would try to qualify for the Boston Marathon, but then I thought why not me? My times were getting closer and closer to the BQ times. With the help if my husband I attempted to BQ in 2011 at OKC marathon. I ended up running 1-2 minutes over my qualifying time. Finishing so close to a BQ time made me want to achieve it even more. After having our daughter Emma in 2012 and watching the Boston Marathon April 2013, I made it a goal of mine to run a guaranteed qualifying time and didn’t stop trying. It took me many attempts (I actually do not know how many marathons I did trying but at least 8-9), a village of inspirational people in my life, believing in myself, and letting go of self doubt before I finally qualified at the LA Marathon with a guaranteed time 7 minutes under my qualifying time! It was an amazing feeling and even better to have my family there with me! I’m so excited to run Boston this year and almost can’t believe it’s finally happening! I’m just grateful to be here!



It took me 4 years to qualify for Boston. I started running marathons in 2013 and naively thought that I would qualify for Boston in my first marathon. I went out at a sub 7:30 pace and crashed and burned by mile 10. It was slow death march for 16 miles and I finished in 4:30 and swore I’d never run another marathon again. A year and a half later, I got the nerve to run another one and while I did cut 45 mins off my time, I still had a ways to go to qualify for Boston. But it was that 2nd marathon that put the thought in my head that I might actually be able to do it. The third marathon came and went and I was still about 15-20 mins away from qualifying. I finally hired a coach, Jessica, and was well on my way to qualifying for Boston at Mountains 2 Beach 2017, when I fell during a training run and tore a ligament in my knee. 3 months later, healed and running again, I was determined. It had been a long 4 years and I told myself I was going to qualify for the 2019 Boston Marathon. After about 9 months of working with Coach Jess, I ran the race of my dreams at Ventura Marathon 2017 and qualified for Boston with a 3:28! Years of hard work had paid off!! I went on to run a 3:17 and then a 3:11 within the next year. I’ve definitely grown in my fitness over the last few years, but I think mentally I’ve grown the most - Jess has helped me become so confident in myself and recognize that barriers and limits are just in my head. Next big goal… run an OTQ for 2024.


Coach J

This will be my second Boston experience and I am truly excited and grateful to be toeing the line on Monday. After my first attempt in 2017 that ripped me to shreds, I thought I’d never be back - it broke my heart to train so hard and be completely annihilated by the course and weather that day. But I’m more excited than ever to share this experience with my team and to really open my heart to enjoy whatever the day brings. Good luck to everyone racing!


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