2021 Goals: Cautiously Optimistic

I always get excited to set a few goals for a new year. Less resolution like and more about how can I keep building on this foundation with a seemingly clean slate. 2020 really confirmed that a clean slate isn’t how new years work. I woke up this morning in a new year, but nothing has changed since yesterday. We are most definitely still living in a pandemic. So, I’m entering the new year as I’m sure many are - cautiously optimistic about what it can bring that 2020 took from so many of us: hugs, human connection, races, stability and health (this doesn’t even encompass some of the harder things so many of us have had to face).


I often set 3 goals with one related to running and one related to business, along with something general because 3 goals seems like a good round number! 2020 was rough on my goals and I didn’t achieve any of them - which is okay! When setting goals, I realize they aren’t confined to a single year timeline and can often take several years to achieve. 2021 seems like a hard year to set goals for myself since I’ll be bringing a baby into the world which is going to rock and change me in ways I can’t even fathom quite yet. Add to that getting to know my postpartum body and setting any kind of specifics with fitness doesn’t seem like a great idea. But I still love goals. Even if I don’t achieve them, I always learn so much from the process of dreaming big and chipping away at what I want to accomplish.

2021 Goals

Get Back To Running

This seems a little easy, I know, but I’m so excited about the simplicity of this goal. Pregnancy has changed my body so much and I’m planning to take 10-12 weeks off running after the baby is born and get clearance from a pelvic health PT prior to attempting to run. That puts me at May 2021 before I can even attempt my first run of the year!! I think 10-12 weeks might be optimistic depending on how labor and delivery goes, so my timeline can change. My expectations with my postpartum body are low because I don’t want to compare or be disappointed if it takes me longer to come back. I’m just looking forward to recovering well and ensuring my body is ready to put in the work it will take to get back to where I want to be with running.

Grow My Business + Continue Supporting Our Team

2020 taught me so much about connection and I’m incredibly grateful to all of our athletes who took part in our virtual connection. We started a team book club that meets every 8 weeks to chat about a new book, hosted mental health and nutrition webinars, and are starting the new year with a fun virtual yoga event hosted by one of our incredible athletes who is a certified yoga teacher. As a virtual running coach, I’ve always loved the opportunity to connect in real life at races, but this past year sparked creativity to connect in new ways. I’m excited to continue many of the things we implemented in 2020 in this new year and come up with other new, creative ways to keep connecting and supporting our team as we grow!

Vlog More

I loved growing my YouTube channel in my Journey to Sub-3 and Zero to 50K series in 2019 and early 2020, so I’m looking forward to sharing more on that platform and creating new informational and fun coaching videos that will be helpful for everyone. I think it will be important to document my return to running postpartum for other new moms. I’ve read so much during my pregnancy trying to understand what my body will go through and how to return to sport and exercise safely to remain injury free, but it is a stark difference from what you see on social media of quick and fast comebacks. Maybe I’ll have a fast comeback, but I’ll be sure to share more details of this on my YouTube along with any other running adventures I can take you all on with me!

All of this might be even more challenging to go after than it has in year’s prior with a little one around, but goals are goals. I’m going to stay focused on each of them and do what I can to fulfill them and myself in the process! The beauty is that the year timeframe is not going to limit these goals and they don’t end at the end of 2021, but are continuous!

What are your goals for the new year?!

Happy New Year!



Quentin's Birth Story


20 Weeks Pregnant! How My Training Has Changed